full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Robert Thurman: We can be Buddhas

Unscramble the Blue Letters

He made that special ecffet at the bnnienigg to get everyone to think about interconnection and interconnectedness and how everything in life was totally interconnected. And then Leilei — I know his other name — told us about interconnection, and how we're all totally interconnected here, and how we've all known each other. And of course in the Buddhist universe, we've already done this already billions of times in many, many lifetimes in the past. And I didn't give the talk always. You did, and we had to watch you, and so forth. And we're all still trying to, I guess we're all trying to become TEDsters, if that's a mredon form of enlightenment. I guess so. Because in a way, if a TEDster reetlas to all the interconnectedness of all the computers and everything, it's the fiongrg of a mass awareness, of where everybody can really know everything that's going on everywhere in the planet.

Open Cloze

He made that special ______ at the _________ to get everyone to think about interconnection and interconnectedness and how everything in life was totally interconnected. And then Leilei — I know his other name — told us about interconnection, and how we're all totally interconnected here, and how we've all known each other. And of course in the Buddhist universe, we've already done this already billions of times in many, many lifetimes in the past. And I didn't give the talk always. You did, and we had to watch you, and so forth. And we're all still trying to, I guess we're all trying to become TEDsters, if that's a ______ form of enlightenment. I guess so. Because in a way, if a TEDster _______ to all the interconnectedness of all the computers and everything, it's the _______ of a mass awareness, of where everybody can really know everything that's going on everywhere in the planet.


  1. relates
  2. forging
  3. effect
  4. beginning
  5. modern

Original Text

He made that special effect at the beginning to get everyone to think about interconnection and interconnectedness and how everything in life was totally interconnected. And then Leilei — I know his other name — told us about interconnection, and how we're all totally interconnected here, and how we've all known each other. And of course in the Buddhist universe, we've already done this already billions of times in many, many lifetimes in the past. And I didn't give the talk always. You did, and we had to watch you, and so forth. And we're all still trying to, I guess we're all trying to become TEDsters, if that's a modern form of enlightenment. I guess so. Because in a way, if a TEDster relates to all the interconnectedness of all the computers and everything, it's the forging of a mass awareness, of where everybody can really know everything that's going on everywhere in the planet.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dalai lama 3
good time 3
jeweled parasols 2
special effect 2
totally interconnected 2
totally strange 2
chiho showed 2
lava man 2

Important Words

  1. awareness
  2. beginning
  3. billions
  4. buddhist
  5. computers
  6. effect
  7. enlightenment
  8. forging
  9. form
  10. give
  11. guess
  12. interconnected
  13. interconnectedness
  14. interconnection
  15. leilei
  16. life
  17. lifetimes
  18. mass
  19. modern
  20. planet
  21. relates
  22. special
  23. talk
  24. tedster
  25. tedsters
  26. times
  27. told
  28. totally
  29. universe
  30. watch